How to add a folder of Kindle books to your PC

Kindle book downloadThe following instructions detail how to add a folder of Kindle books to your PC.

  • Copy the ‘books’ folder to your computer, eg to d:\books
  • Use c:\books if you have to but a different partition is preferable.
  • Install Calibre – download it from here (opens in a new tab).
  • Once installed start Calibre.
  • Click ‘Add books’.
  • From the dropdown menu click ‘Add books from directories (Assumes every ebook file is the same book in a different format)’.
  • Navigate to your books folder.
  • Click on ‘Select folder’.
  • Calibre creates a database for you.

To select a book and send it to Kindle.

  • Plug in your Kindle using the USB cable.
  • In Calibre, right click on a chosen book.
  • From the pop up menu, select ‘Send to device’ then ‘Send to main memory’.
  • It should now be on your Kindle.
  • Repeat for any book.
  • Be sure to eject your Kindle from your PC using the tray icon in the bottom right of the screen.


Convert ebook formats

It is often necessary to convert a book from a format such as ePub to the Kindle .mobi format. This is easily done in Calibre.

  • Select the book.
  • Right click and select ‘Convert books’.
  • Select ‘Convert individually’.
  • Select the output format as MOBI and click on ‘OK’.
  • The book now exists in both formats on the hard drive.

Hope this helps, please drop me a social link or Facebook ‘Like’ if it helped you.

Be sure to check out my daily updated list of free books available for Kindle